Tesna Tech Private Limited is committed to consistently upholding “Excellence” by providing health and safety working conditions at premises and its surroundings for the prevention of work-related injuries & ill health and understanding the purpose and organizational context by considering the needs & expectations of the interested parties.
It maintains a healthy and safe work environment at the workplace and surroundings for suitable growth. This is reinforced by;
Technological Innovations.
Compliance to Statutory & Regulatory Requirements.
Prevent Hazards & ill-health
Reduce OH&S Risk
Providing Adequate Infrastructure & Facilities
This will be achieved by continual improvement in the Occupational Health and Safety Management System and enhancement of OH&S performance through teamwork, training, and dedicated efforts of the Management and employees.
The objective of the policy is to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, are as below;
A safe environment of work is provided and maintained at all times in all the offices of Tesna Tech Private Limited Employees are provided with the information, training, instruction, and supervision needed for them to work safely and without risks to their health;
The health of operational and contract employees and the conditions of the workplaces where they work are monitored;
Health and safety policies and procedures comply with legislative requirements; and
Safety performance is continually reviewed and improved
Risks to workplace health and safety are controlled through the engagement of all stakeholders.